Monday, October 5, 2015

That Kind of Day

Do you ever have those days when you feel like your friends leave you out of conversations or you feel like you're invisible because that "close" relationship kind of faded away? Today was that kind of day. I'm not specifying anyone out intentionally, but sometimes sharing these things are important. Plus, this wasn't the first time it has happened. No I'm not mad. And no I'm not going to hold this accountable towards my friends. Why? Because I have probably been that friend in the past that has made someone feel this way. I'm not necessarily hurt or reluctant about it. Sometimes things are private between certain people. I have to admit, I was second guessing myself into believing that I'm not a reliable friend and that no one trusts me. But that's not true. Some things are meant not to be shared with me and there's always a reason for it. NEVER talk yourself into believing things that you know aren't true about your  character. You are who you are and when the time comes, you will soon be the one listening to those important conversations and helping those who need it specifically from you.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Criticism Is The Best Thing To Get

I've been wanting to post but in all honesty, I haven't made the time in my schedule to do so. I have gotten so busy since school started. Not to mention that homework has began to pile up and it's the beginning of season for my sport. This time of year is the busiest for me and it's hard to maintain a balanced schedule. Everything is harder and I don't want to take the time to make it easier. See, for me, I can do multiple things but I'm not necessarily the best at them. Here's why; I'm a slow learner. I can pick up something in a day if I have the motivation, and it can take me a month when I don't. So there you go. You've learned something about me. But, that's not the only thing. I love to write. You probably already know this because one: I talked about it on my first post, and second: I wouldn't be writing right now on my free time if I didn't. Ever since elementary school my favorite subject was English. It still is today, but it seems as if I'm not as good at it as I used to be. Last year in 9th grade I took Advanced English thinking I would be fine and the best at it because I'm a decent writer and I love literature. Well I was wrong. My teacher was amazing and I looked forward to that class everyday, but it seemed like my writing was staying the same and not getting better. For the first time in my life I got a C on one of my essay's. I was disappointed and depressed. I felt like I lost my best quality in school and  I wanted to give up. But somehow I managed to change my introvert personality and not give up on my dream and passion. I found the courage to go talk to my teacher and ask for help. Sometimes you have to live with criticism. I mean, it wouldn't have benefitted me in any way if I hadn't gotten that C. To become better in anything, and I'm not just talking about writing, but also sports, music, math, science; You have to take time and step out of your comfort zone to get yourself where you want to be. Criticism is the best thing to get. Now believe me it's painful when your going through it, but I have never been in a situation where it didn't turn out to be the way I planned it. Since I'm a slow learner, I had to take time and effort into talking with my teacher and re-write that paper. It was the best decision I have made school wise and I haven't thought about that until last Monday. My writing is progressing slowly, but I've learned to be patient. I won't be the best in the world but I'm okay with that. At least writing makes me happy. No criticism can stop me from going towards my dream, and it took me a year to realize that.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Do you ever feel like you have to like a certain genre of music just because everyone else does? Or are ashamed to say that you listen to reggae or Frank Sinatra just because it's not what anyone else listens to? Throughout my life I've realized that every person likes their own style of music. It fits their personality. Yes there are some that insist their favorite genre is rap but, you'd be surprised by what other music they listen to more. There are some kids that seem like they are cool or they try to act like it and listen to what's hot on the billboard chart. I mean there's nothing wrong with that just, it's not them. It's not who they are. Truly inside that "cool" kid, he has an old soul. He listens to Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. So why is he afraid to admit this? I guess he wouldn't be considered cool anymore if he did. But in my opinion, who cares? If people don't like you because you like a different genre of music, then they are lost in this world. Life isn't about what's in or popular, it's about what makes you happy and what makes you unique. Trust me, most people will like you more for who you are rather than who you want to be.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Outgoing and Friendly

The definition of outgoing is to be interested in and responsive to others. This means to engage and listen to what others are saying. Mostly everyone wants to be around these kind of people because they are actually listening and understanding what you are telling them. Having this personality is so important in life especially when making new friends. I have always been shy when I was younger and I still kind of am today. But I've realized that pushing myself to be more outgoing has really helped me in school. I have made a lot of new friends and I feel like I know more people this year than I have the past couple years. By being outgoing you are also being kind and loving towards others. These are some of the best traits to have during high school and are the key to making lifetime friends.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Renewing Friendships

Yes that lose friends, keep friends, and make new friends statement is true for high school. Everyone goes through the stage of finding who their true friends are and the one's they need to stay away from. It's sad at first and kind of weird not hanging out with people you were best friends with throughout elementary and middle school. But it happens and that's what life is about. Sometimes losing friends and gaining new ones is part of life. Today I went through this cycle meeting up with old friends. In middle school we all used to hang out and have so many inside jokes and memories. Well my friend and I went to our school to see where our classes are and we ran into those friends. It was like a high school reunion because we haven't seen each other for so long. I feel like we are going to create more memories just because of today and catching up with each other. It's always humbling to talk about old memories and remember where it all started.
The old friends I ran into from middle school.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Stopping Procrastination

As school is starting, there's less time in the day. This means that the things you said you were going to do gets pushed farther and farther away. There is so much stuff that needs to be done during the week, but it is hard to get them done because of school and your extra curricular activities. By the time your done with studying and homework, and practicing the piano, you have no time to do things you want to do and things that you have to do. 

Here's an example: I just started the online courses for my driving education but, I do one every other day. School's started, and my friends are already finishing up their courses so they're going to get their permits before me. I want to try to fit more lessons in, but I can't because I have to finish the homework that I waited to do later that week. It feels like I'm never going to get my permit at the speed I'm going. 

If I would have done more lessons everyday rather than every other day, I wouldn't be in this situation. My life would be so much easier because I wouldn't have to worry or stress over it. Procrastinating is the number one thing every student does. Even I catch myself doing it, but not with just homework, but also practicing for my extra curricular activities. Waiting for the day before or the last second is normal for every teen and is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has done it at least once in their life. Procrastination can be fixed and lowered to a minimum if you are willing to do so. It is hard to start good habits but it really helps in the long run.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

My POV Of Things

The whole point of me starting a blog is because I someday want to become a writer. Most of my friends know this because we have gone over the very important question: "What do you want to major in in college?" My best friends' mom suggested that I should therefore start a blog if my desire is to become a future Journalist or author. This is a chance for me to write about what I want to write about and to show people the things I'm interested in. Most high schoolers vent their feelings about how they are having a horrible day just because they got in a fight with their friends or how they have to work really late and also study for their chemistry test they think they're going to fail the next day. My point of view of things are a little different from this and I think that teens my age need to see how no matter what the situation is, good or bad, they aren't the only ones having that horrible day. Viewing the week positively is always the key to being happy and also to enjoy being a teenager.